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Known affectionately as the Land of Smiles, Cambodia’s recent history has been anything but smile-inducing. Yet though the ravages of war have left a deep scar on the country, its people are no less affable and optimistic. Ancient monuments like the ubiquitous Angkor Wat and nostalgic faces of bygone times also continue to endure, presenting travellers with many opportunities for adventure.

Find hotels in Cambodia compare hotel rates and book the best hotel deals online.

Select the city within Cambodia you will travel to e.g. Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Phsar Ream, Phumĭ Kâmpóng Thmâ, Kâmpóng Khleăng, Phumĭ Phnŏu.

Wego will search hundreds of travel websites and return a listing of accommodation options including: inns, resorts, motels, hostels, bed and breakfast and more.